Độc thân
473 Phạm Thế Hiển, district 8 HCM city
Mức lương mong muốn: 2.000.000-5.000.000 đ/Tháng
Số năm kinh nghiệm: 1 năm
Ngành nghề: XÂY DỰNG - KIẾN TRÚC
Cấp bậc mong muốn: NHÂN VIÊN
Trình độ học vấn: ĐẠI HỌC
Ngày cập nhật: 14/10/2023
Nơi làm việc: HỒ CHÍ MINH
As a full-stack developer, I have honed my expertise in TypeScript, React.js, and Node.js. I am driven by a deep passion for software development and a relentless desire to enhance my skills and expand my experience. My goal is to provide high- quality solutions and collaborate with a team of proficient professionals in the industry. I am committed to leveraging my skills and knowledge to create cutting-edge software applications that not only meet but exceed your clients’ expectations.
Looking ahead, my personal ambition is to be recognized as a Senior Front-end Developer within the next two years. Additionally, I aspire to contribute to the community by developing open-source libraries that empower fellow developers with proficient tools and resources.
Văn Lang University
Full-stack engineer at CoderSchool
Be Earnings Jointstock company
Januray/2023 - June/2023 - Front-end web developer
Joined company project:
- Create HTML, CSS boilerplate for futher use.
- Build sub domain for admin, features that manage website images,
- Build Web SPA by NextJs, using useContext and customHooks for manage
- Use tailwindCss, SwiperJs, SASS to customize UI-UX.
- Convert a PHP-ExpressJs source to NextJs as A SSR framework.
- Crawl Facebook data with NodeJs - Pupeteer.
- Programming languages:
Javascript ( TypeScript)
- Front-end:
ReactJs, NextJs
MUI, Tailwindcss, SASS
React-hook-form, Formik
Axios, React-query
- Back-end:
NodeJs, Express
Yup, Lodash, Node mailer
TypeOrm: Prisma
OOP, Singleton pattern
- Database:
MongoDB, MySQL
- Additional skills:
Problem solving
Critical thinking
Toeic 700
Japanese N4
office information
English communication